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Technology assets today fall into the global marketplace. Developers from all over the world create beneficial applications and platforms tailored to a wide variety of industries. Hansem Global recognizes the significance of well-deciphered language tailored to the local market for IT products. Our expertise and efficiency in the localization process can facilitate any challenging due dates while still managing to deliver an impactful message.

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Hansem Global is a world renowned language service expert in localizing software and documentation. Our team of experts has years of experience adapting technology to the local language, culture, and regulations. We make all platforms and applications palatable for their users – and highly competitive in the marketplace.
Our intuition of the IT and Telecom expertise paired with our language specialization makes Hansem the most rewarding choice for your document and S/W localization needs. Through our refined language services, we have garnered a broad and consistent client base of established brands. Trust us to be the most efficient IT localization services partner.


  • Software
  • Storage
  • ERP
  • Groupware
  • Statistics
  • Data Security
  • Mobile Apps
  • Data Management
  • Online Training
  • Anti-Virus